Marshall Wace

Covid-19 Community Outreach

Covid-19 has, and continues to, impact on all levels of society, economy and institutions. We at Marshall Wace have always considered the support of the wider community as integral to our culture and this emergency only increases this desire to help.

The relief efforts related to Covid-19 have become the integral part of Marshall Wace’s dedication to support the wider community.

What started with support to local charities and initiatives in HK has evolved to a broader effort in the UK. This began with the offer of opening of Marshall Wace’s kitchens to cook 1,000 meals a day for the staff at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (CWH). Within a short space of time, it became too apparent that the need was much greater, and we set about expanding our capacity to solve this problem.

Today, we operate as the initiative of MealForce and are part of a collaborate effort to provide over 30,000 meals per day for NHS workers across hospitals in London. This sits under the umbrella of HelpForce, whose founder Sir Tom Hughes-Hallet, Chair of CWH. We are in close contact with Feed our Frontline, Feed NHS and Salute the NHS to ensure MealForce supports efficiently, and does not duplicate any other relief efforts in the same hospitals. The scheme will operate for at least 4 to 6 weeks and could be extended depending on the lockdown. The goal is simple; to provide relief and nourishment to those NHS workers during those long shifts through nutritious and balanced meals.

Similarly in New York, we have collaborated with the local community to provide support for hot meals and PPE delivery to the emergency workers at both Elmhurst Hospital in Queens and the Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan. We also continue to offer financial support to our local partners CityHarvest and Crossroads.

Our commitment globally remains to help those in need, and will also continue to support a wide range of charities during this difficult time.